Our Team
Qualified, compassionate expertise

Caitlyn Bowser, MSc, BCBA
Clinical Supervisor & Founder
Caitlyn has worked with young people with unique behavioural and learning needs since 2001. She is a Board Certified Behaviour Analyst (BCBA), and holds a Master of Science in Behaviour Analysis from Queen’s University Belfast.
Caitlyn believes that personal happiness & assent should inform every intervention. She loves working both in-person and via telehealth, and brings a trademark positivity and sense of fun to every session.
In her personal time she loves sailing, playing her harp, and singing. Her bucket-list goal is to set foot on every continent, including Antarctica!

Dr. Emma Craig, PhD, BCBA-D
Consulting Clinical Supervisor
Dr. Emma Craig has worked with individuals with disabilities for more than 15 years. She is a Board Certified Behaviour Analyst- Doctorate level (BCBA-D), and holds a PhD in Behaviour Analysis from Queen’s University Belfast.
Not only is Emma awesome, she also has extensive experience working with complex learning profiles, and severe problem behaviours, making her an invaluable asset to The Behaviour and Learning Team.
In her personal time, Emma loves to travel and spend time with her family, friends, and little dog.

Jessica Davies, MScEd
Inclusive Education Consultant
Jessica has over 15 years experience facilitating the education of high-needs students within mainstream school settings. She is a qualified teacher, and holds a Master of Science in Education from the University of Bridgeport.
Cheerful and engaging, Jessica is passionate about helping families develop the skills needed to ensure their kids achieve their fullest potential: be it in the classroom, on the playground, or beyond.
An accomplished soccer player and keen golfer, on the weekends Jessica may be spotted out enjoying the fresh air, or exploring the best of our local food scene.

Megan Osler, BA
Megan is a natural at supporting kids in their behaviour and learning, and a positive, engaged interventionist. She is passionate about helping to create positive change in the world, and dedicated to ongoing learning in her field. Megan is not afraid to get down on the floor and dive in with her clients, and connects easily with learners.
In her personal time Megan loves spending time in the great outdoors. She has a roost full of pet chickens, and a prolific vegetable garden. Megan is also an accomplished adventurer; she and her husband once took their two kids out of school for the year, and sailed to the Caribbean and back on their sailboat!